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Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Carl’s Point is broadcast on KCUP-AM in Newport, Oregon, Thursday 7:26 a.m., and repeated Tuesday 6:26 a.m.

I like Harriet Miers! I guess you could say I’m a “Harriet Miers Man.”

I think Harriet Miers will be the best Supreme Court Justice since Clarence Thomas! And here’s why I think so: My President likes her, and I trust My President!

He says He knows her heart. Remember when He looked into Vladmir Putin’s eyes and saw his soul?

I wonder if My President can see Harriet Miers’ soul--or if He can only see her heart?

Oh well--the important thing is she’s a born again Christian who’s anti-abortion and has never talked to My President about anything, and she’ll make the Christian Right happy and keep religion out of politics!

And--she’s experienced! How many lawyers can say they’ve represented Microsoft, DuPont, Disney, and My President?

Also, Harriet Miers says My President is the smartest man she’s ever met. I’ve never met My President, but I think He’s the smartest man on TV!

Memo to Martin Sheen: If you’re so smart, how come you only pretend to be the president on West Wing, but My President pretends to be president in real life?

The important thing is, My President says she won’t change. Some things never change. My President never changes, and neither will Harriet Miers!

I’m Carl Estrada and that’s my point!



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