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Monday, March 13, 2006
Carl’s Point originates at KCUP-1230 AM radio in Newport, Oregon on Tuesday, 7:26 a.m., repeating Thursday 6:26 a.m.

(Note: To receive the full impact of Carl’s Point, you must hear it.  Click on the audio icon for the total Carl’s Point experience!  ADDED BONUS: Hear Carl’s Theme: “I’ve Got Mine, Jack!”)  

     In this troubled time of corruption and greed, we should give thanks to a true American who is stepping down after serving our nation selflessly for five years.  Let’s hear it for Secretary of Interior Gale Norton!


          Before becoming the number one steward of our land, Gale Norton was a lawyer for the lead industry.  She and her crack staff, led by mining, oil and cattle lobbyists subscribed to the “Wise Use” environmental policy.  Here’s how she’s used the environment wisely:

She opened millions of wilderness acres to coal mining and oil drilling.

She helped lots of animals get off the Endangered Species list by making them extinct.

She opened lots of new roads, so loggers could protect our forests.

She defended the constitutional right of developers to pollute the water and air, our freedom to drive snowmobiles in Yellowstone.

     And Gale Norton stood firm when she refused to approve an Indian casino that was competing with another tribe that was a client of Jack Abramoff that gave thousands of dollars to the lobbying group that Gale Norton founded.

     Which is why we’ll all miss Gale Norton.  Here’s what she said to My President in her poetic resignation:

"Now I feel it is time for me to leave this mountain you gave me to climb, catch my breath, then set my sights on new goals to achieve in the private sector.”

(APPLAUSE)   Don’t forget to pick up the beer cans!

I’m Carl Estrada and that’s my point.



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