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Monday, January 16, 2017

President-Elect Donald J. TRUMP

The TRUMP Organization

725 Fifth Avenue,

New York, NY 10022


Dear President-Elect TRUMP,


Happy Martin Luther King Day!


Remember when Dr. King said:


“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”


What did he mean by that?!  That’s the trouble with Martin Luther King—he was all talk, talk, talk--no action or results!


Speaking of “talk, talk, talk--no action or results,” can you believe the nerve of John Lewis?


Just because it got leaked that you were having “golden showers” with Russian hookers, that’s no reason for him to say your presidency is “illegitimate!” 


Now, if it turned out that the Russians hacked Hillary’s emails and leaked them to sway the election, that would be a different story!


If it turned out that your aides were leaking to their Russian counterparts before, during, and after the election, that would be a different story!


If it got leaked that you had multi-million dollar deals in the works with corrupt Russian businessmen—it wouldn’t matter because your sons are running the company now and you’ve washed your hands of the whole thing.


By the way, what’s your favorite movie of all time?  Mine’s “The Godfather.”  Remember when Don Corleone turned the business over to Michael?  Don Corleone put his arm around Michael while they huddled in secret and the Godfather passed from father to son all the wisdom he had gained from years of experience.  Then Michael had half the city of New York whacked while Don Corleone put orange peels in his mouth and scared the bejesus out of his grandson.


Do you think when you become president you’ll put orange peels in your mouth and chase your grandkids around the White House lawn? 


Back to MLK.  You and he have a lot in common. Remember when J. Edgar Hoover bugged Martin Luther King’s room while he was having an affair? 


Just like you!  Except with Martin Luther King, it was the FBI that taped him.  With you it was Russian spies.  Or maybe the FBI.  Or maybe the CIA.  Who knows?


Also, MLK was having sex with a woman he knew.  You were only having “golden showers” with Russian hookers.


Or not.  Who knows?  The main thing is:  There were leaks.  Lots of leaks.  Showers of leaks.  Sad!


Here’s another thing Dr. King said:


“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”

I can never understand what Martin Luther King was talking about!  The man spoke in riddles! 


But I’ve thought long and hard about this and now I think I get it.  It’s like when John Lewis said:


“I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.  I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected.”


It was evil of John Lewis to say you were illegitimate. But did you “passively accept” John Lewis’ evil words?  No!  Did you accept his “evil without protesting?”  No!  In the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King, you stood up and called truth to power! 


You fought back!  You tweeted!

Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart (not to......mention crime infested) rather than falsely complaining about the election results. All talk, talk, talk - no action or results. Sad!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 14, 2017

You see?  You, sir, are the living embodiment of Dr. Martin Luther King!  If Martin Luther King had been white, if he had been a few inches taller and gained 75 pounds, if he had shaved his mustache, if he had shrunk his hands, and if he had pureed a pumpkin and stuck it on his head, you could hardly tell the difference!  


Remember when Dr. King said:


“I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word.”


It’s uncanny how you are able to communicate almost the same exact message in a tweet:

Meryl Streep, one of the most over-rated actresses in Hollywood, doesn't know me but attacked last night at the Golden Globes. She is a Hillary flunky who lost big. For the 100th time, I never "mocked" a disabled reporter (would never do that) but simply showed him"groveling" when he totally changed a 16 year old story that he had written in order to make me look bad. Just more very dishonest media!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 9, 2017

If I didn’t know you better, I’d think it was plagiarism!

Happy Martin Luther King Day!

Carl Estrada                                                                                                                                         



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