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Thursday, September 13, 2018

Dear Friends,

My good friend Carl Estrada has asked me to initiate a lottery, a betting pool if you will, to determine who is the mysterious writer of the amonymush op-ed in the NY Times.  He thinks this is the best method of outing the traitor who claims to be the "adult in the room" at the White House.

So here are the rules:  

Step 1:  Send me an email with the name of your suspect.

Step 2:  Mail one dollar with the name of your suspect and your return address to:

Paul Chasman, Treasurer and CEO

Carl Estrada Amonymush Op-Ed Sweepstakes

P.O. Box 657

Washougal, WA 98671

In your entree, please give your reason for your choice.  Carl might decide to post your findings online.  

If the suspect is named, the pool will be divided up among those who have correctly identified said suspect.  If the suspect is not named before summer of 2020, the money will be donated in its entirety to the Democratic presidential candidate.  (Don't, I repeat, DO NOT tell Carl this!  He thinks it's going to Trump!)

Who is your suspect?  Share it now, before it's too late!  And may the best psychic win!


Paul Chasman

P.S. Lest you think I don't have skin in the game, I'll start.  I put my vote in for Pence, not so much because I think he did it (although the word "lodestar" comes to mind) but because I so dearly want it to be him!  Carl votes for Pence too.  He says he never trusted that guy.  That's two bucks in the pool already!




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